A project for Music

The Riz Ortolani Foundation is a non-profit institution that provides support for the study, scientific research and musical education to foster instruction and growth of musical talent. In addition, the Foundation, oversees, protects and develops maestro’s Riz Ortolani’s works and the quality of his works and compositions, through the correct information, cataloguing, knowledge, distribution, care, studying and in depth examination of the cultural and artistic events in his life, the preservation of his archives, his awards, his memories, his correspondence, his preparatory works and his scores.

Among the purposes of the Riz Ortolani Foundation is the support of high social and cultural interest initiatives aimed at promoting, cultivating and developing, in Italy and abroad, relationships and initiatives with conservatories, high schools and music schools and any other structure that has the purpose of the study, teaching and broadcasting of music in every possible form of expression.

The Riz Ortolani Foundation collaborates with the Rossini Foundation in the project for publication of the Rossini Thesis produced in universities and in conservatories in Italy and abroad, within the specifically created series named “Rossini Thesis”.

From 2010, every two years, the announcement is published. The expiry for presentation of the thesis is set for the end of June of the subsequent year. The award is issued biennially. The first thesis has already been published with the contribution of the Riz Ortolani Foundation. 

The Foundation

Via XI Febbraio, 12
61121 Pesaro